About HIV Education QLD
HIV Education Qld (HIVeQld) is a professional education company formed in response to a perceived educational gap identified within the HIV provider sector in Queensland, namely advanced level peer led education in HIV, run as small group, case-based learning; facilitated by recognised experts in the area of HIV and co-morbidities.
HIVeQld was founded in 2017 by Dr Kenneth Koh, Dr Manolo Avivar-Fernandez and Dr Ryan Williams. Drs Koh, Avivar-Fernandez and Williams are all General Practitioners and S100 HIV Prescribers, working in South East Queensland and the Sunshine Coast. They are all passionate about the care of PLHIV in a general practice setting.
Our Objectives
The primary objective of HIVeQld is improved patient care and health outcomes for PLHIV in Queensland. We seek to improve clinical care provided by fellow S100 HIV Prescribers, thus our primary target audience are community based S100 HIV Prescribers in Queensland.
HIVeQld also seeks to create networks between community based HIV care providers and registrars/specialists within the fields of Sexual Health Medicine, Infectious Disease, Immunology and Public Health. This meets a secondary aim to improve linkage to care for PLHIV in Queensland.
HIVeQLD focuses on the quality use of medicines, through improved knowledge and understanding of the management of HIV and co-morbidities. HIVeQld also has a specific focus on the use of HIV medication in the prevention of HIV, namely PrEP and PEP.
Meetings run by HIVeQld will be accredited by the Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine (ASHM) for ASHM CPD Points. Participants may submit a self-directed learning activity to the RACGP for RACGP CPD Points.
Meet the Team
Dr Ken Koh
A graduate of the University of Queensland School of Medicine, Dr Ken Koh completed his General Practice training in Brisbane in 2008. Ken has a special interest in Sexual Health Medicine and has been a HIV S100 Prescriber since 2009.
More recently, Ken has been cultivating a interest in GP based research and Medical Education, in particular in the area of HIV Medicine.
Dr Manuel Avivar-Fernandez
Manuel Avivar-Fernandez is a GP at Newmarket 7 Day Medical Centre in Brisbane, with 10 years experience in HIV, HCV and Sexual Health.
Originally from Spain where he graduated from Medical School, he obtained his GP qualifications in UK. He is an RACGP Fellow and an S100 Prescriber.
He is an investigator for the QPrEPD demonstration project.
Dr Ryan Williams
Graduating from the University of Queensland in 2011; Ryan enjoys all areas of General Practice, strongly advocating for preventative health and is passionate about complex Chronic Disease management.
Ryan has completed additional training areas of special interest, including Sexual Health (s100 Prescriber) and Mental Health. Ryan volunteers as a doctor at the Queensland AIDS Council, and continues to be proactive in issues affecting LGBTQI+ community health.
Since 2010, Ryan has been the Principal Conductor and Artistic Director of the Queensland Medical Orchestra (www.qmo.org.au). He also enjoys films, international cuisine and speaks 5 languages.
Dr Ethan Salleh
Having trained as a veterinarian and then in IT, Ethan has found his happy home in General Practice. A graduate of the University of Queensland, Ethan is a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and has a keen interest in Chronic Disease Management. Ethan has completed additional training in sexual health and HIV medicine and works as an S100 GP at the Gladstone Road Medical centre. He has a strong interest in conducting research within HIV and Sexual Health Medicine and has published in the area. He is passionate about the holistic care of patients with life limiting illnesses and has been the Palliative Medicine Registrar at the Wesley Hospital in Brisbane. Ethan also works as a casual academic at the University of Queensland, teaching medical students Advanced Life Support Skills.